Making a donation to Halliwick AST ...

We are a registered charity with the Charity Commission of England & Wales (number 250008). We work very hard to support people who use the Halliwick Concept for teaching disabled people to swim. This includes work on various committees, publications, DVDs, the website and so on and it is done on an entirely voluntary basis. If you feel able to make a donation to Halliwick AST, then there are a few ways you can do this:

You can donate directly into our bank account ...


ACCOUNT NAME: Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy

BANK: Co-Operative Bank

SORT CODE: 08-92-99


IBAN: GB43CPBK08929967291632

If you are making a donation directly into our bank account, it would be helpful if you would also email our treasurer here to advise of the payment and its amount so that we can reconcile it for our records as a donation.

GiftAid Donation/Declaration Form

GiftAid donations ...

If you would like to make a donation to us for which we can claim GiftAid, please complete and return the GiftAid Donation/Declaration Form (click the button to download) and return it enclosing your donation.  Do not send cash.  Cheques should be made payable to ‘Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy’.

GiftAid Donation/Declaration Form