For over 70 years, disabled people have been experiencing freedom in water, learning through the Halliwick Concept …
The development of this Concept led to the formation of the Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy.
The Association
The Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy (Halliwick AST) is a registered charity with the Charity Commission for England & Wales (number 250008). It is a voluntary association and, (other than Halliwick lecturers being paid a small fee for running Halliwick courses), is run entirely by volunteers, giving up their time and skills for free so that the association’s work might continue for the benefit of its members.
The association was set up in 1952 by James (‘Mac’) and Phyl McMillan to develop the teaching of water safety and swimming for disabled people using the Halliwick Concept. To learn more about our history, take a look at our ‘Story of Halliwick’ page.
You can also download a general information sheet about us here.
The main aspects of the Association’s work are:
We have a number of policies and procedures which can be downloaded from the policies and procedures page of our website.