There are lots of reasons why you should affiliate with Halliwick AST …

Clubs, groups or individuals, either from the UK or abroad, may affiliate to Halliwick AST.

Teaching SwimmingThe benefits (and just a few responsibilities) of doing so are explained below.

If you wish to be affiliated, click on the relevant link below and complete and return the relevant form together with your affiliation fee.  Please note, BOTH payment AND a completed form are required so that we can process your affiliation, have up-to-date details for you and allocate your payment correctly.

Before affiliating to Halliwick AST, your attention is drawn to Halliwick AST’s Privacy Policy which can be downloaded from this page of our website.

Once affiliated, you are free to use the expression “affiliated to the Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy”.  However, please do not use our logo which is a registered trademark.

Benefits of Affiliation to Halliwick AST 

1.     Receipt of newsletters, keeping you in touch with the latest news, other members of Halliwick AST and the International Halliwick Association.

2.     Up-to-date information on new developments and new or updated publications and activities.

3.     Priority application on training courses (possibly at reduced fees).

4.     Reduction of registration fee if organising a course (applicable after payment of third annual affiliation fee).

5.     Access to advice from people with expertise in various specialised fields relating to swimming for disabled people.

6.     Purchase of proficiency badges.

7.     The opportunity to enter Regional and National competitions.

8.     Insurance at competitive rates.

9.     The opportunity for your club/group to be represented at Regional and National committees.

10.  Access to grants for equipment etc. which will be of direct benefit to swimmers.

Regional benefits may include:

1.     Visits by Regional representatives to your club/group. This could be to:

i.      Run seminars for your helpers/staff;

ii.    Give advice on activities in the pool;

iii.   Test for proficiency badges or the Halliwick Instructor Certificate.

2.     Loan of DVDs and books.

3.     Opportunity for Regional social activities and fundraising.

Responsibilities of Affiliation to Halliwick AST

Halliwick AST personnel work hard in a voluntary capacity to support people who are using the Halliwick Concept.

In return we ask you to:

1.     Publicise Halliwick AST meetings and courses to people within your area.

2.     Encourage people to attend meetings at Regional/National level.

3.     Inform the Association of your news and activities.

You can download a sheet containing benefits and responsibilities of affiliation in PDF format here.

Those affiliating to Halliwick AST are asked to familiarise themselves with the Constitution of Halliwick AST.  By affiliating, you are agreeing to abide by the Constitution of Halliwick AST.