Making Waves : Communication & Swimming – Updated Article
This article was written for the Communication Matters Journal following [...]
This article was written for the Communication Matters Journal following [...]
Here is an article entitled "A Phenomenological [...]
Here is an article written by Noga Ben-Anat who [...]
This is an article about Halliwick written by Ann Gresswell. It [...]
Jean-Pierre Maes and Ann Gresswell (two Senior IHA Lecturers) were [...]
This article written by Jane Stewart-Parry was originally published in [...]
This article was written for the Interconnections Quarterly Journal.
This paper contains detailed material on the 10-Point Programme. In [...]
This is an article on the Halliwick Concept for clients with [...]
You can download an illustrated 10-Point Programme here. Illustrations are [...]