Something has gone wrong …
We aim to provide the best possible support to our members and we hope that you never have cause to complain. However, if you do wish to make a complaint, then you should follow our complaints and grievance procedure:
The Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy (Halliwick AST) is committed to providing the best possible service to volunteers and members within the organisation and others with whom it comes in contact during the course of its work. This includes, although not exclusively, members of recognised clubs and groups; personal affiliates, members of the various committees and sub-committees within the Association and anyone involved with a Halliwick course.
All complaints will be dealt with quickly and confidentially. Complaints can be made verbally (in person or by telephone) but it is preferred that complaints are made either in writing (by letter or email) or on cassette tape so that any misinterpretation is avoided as far as possible. If it is preferred, an advocate may be appointed (chosen by the complainant) to act on the complainant’s behalf.
When a complaint is received Halliwick AST will ensure that the person named in the complaint is informed about the nature of the complaint and if appropriate, encouraged to resolve the issues raised directly with the complainant. If the issues raised cannot be resolved by the two parties or it is inappropriate for the person named in the complaint to contact the complainant then the formal complaints procedure should be followed as set out below.
In the first instance however:
- If a complaint concerns a club or region, the complainant should direct the complaint to the Management Committee of the club/region or its representative thereto who should have procedures in place to deal with complaints, (including referral to the region if the complaint relates to a club). In all other cases, or if the complainant does not receive satisfaction from the club or region, the complaint should then be addressed to the Secretary of the Halliwick AST, again, preferably in writing or on cassette tape when the formal complaints procedure set out below will be followed.
- If a complaint is from a participant concerning a Halliwick course, it should be directed to the lecturer or course organiser (as appropriate) in writing or on cassette tape, stating clearly the nature of the complaint. The complaint should be dated and signed and copies sent to both the lecturer and the course organiser. Any such complaints should be made within 14 days of completion of a course unless there is a good reason why this has not been possible, in which case, the reason for delay should be set out in the complaint. (PLEASE NOTE: supplemental guidance/procedures apply to complaints concerning courses and assessments and if the complaint refers to a course or assessment, that guidance/procedure should be referred to. You can download a copy of our full Complaints & Grievance Procedure (including supplemental guidance relating to courses and assessments) and other Halliwick AST policies from this page of our website.)
- If a complaint concerns any member of the Halliwick AST National Executive Committee, the Halliwick AST Education Committee (other than in relation to a course) or the Halliwick AST Management Committee, then the complaint should be addressed to the Chair of the Association (or his/her deputy if the complaint is against the Chair him/herself) when the formal complaints procedure set out below will be followed.
Formal Complaints Procedure
Before complaining formally to the National Executive Committee of Halliwick AST, a complainant should follow the procedures set out above at paragraphs 1 to 3 (as appropriate). If that does not resolve the complaint then the formal complaints procedure will be as follows:
- On the National Executive Committee receiving a complaint, within 7 days of receipt, all parties to the complaint will be informed that the complaint will be investigated and answered within 28 days of receipt. If it is not possible to complete the enquiry within that time, a letter will be sent to the complainant informing the complainant of the reason for delay and when a full response can be expected.
- All complaints will be adjudicated by a suitable panel formed for the purposes of dealing with the complaint.
- Where the complaint concerns a club or region, the panel will consist of at least three people from a region other than that to which the club belongs or about which the complaint is made.
Where the complaint concerns a member of the National Executive Committee, a member of the Management Committee or a member of the Education Committee (other than in relation to a course), the panel will consist of the National Executive Committee Chair (or his/her deputy where the complaint concerns the Chair) and at least 2 other members of the National Executive Committee who are not the subject of the complaint.
The decision of any panel formed above shall be final but any such decision will not affect any other legal recourse that may be available to the complainant.
Please note that The Association will keep a record of all complaints received, investigated and the outcome of such investigations. Such complaints and their outcomes will be reported at the following Annual General Meeting of the Association. Confidentiality will be maintained at all times.
Our full Complaints & Grievance Procedure along with other policies of Halliwick AST can be downloaded from this page of our website.