(formerly the ‘Advanced Teaching Course’)
The general objectives of this course are to prepare Halliwick practitioners to teach the pool work of the Halliwick Concept to potential helpers and instructors and to lead group sessions competently at club sessions or on a course working with an IHA Recognised Lecturer. It will build on the skills and knowledge gained on the Foundation Course.
Participants on this course will:
- Develop a variety of teaching skills to ensure swimmers reach their full potential.
- Practice different methods for teaching helpers/volunteers how to develop a swimmers’ Halliwick skills.
- Participate in ‘busting’ myths about Halliwick.
- Consider aspects of safeguarding.
- Analyse the objectives and value of games, activities, music, groups and individual work.
- Develop personal Green and Blue Badge skills, including testing competence and performance. (Participants who do not hold the Green Badge will have the opportunity to be assessed.)
- Study aspects of physiology of immersion and water quality so that, as Advanced Instructors, the implications for swimmers are understood.
- Consider the various ways of assessing new swimmers and their progress and, where possible, work with club swimmers to put assessing skills into practice.
- Discuss the different approaches needed for swimmers with various disabilities (e.g., PMLD, nil by mouth, non-verbal communication, various presentations of neurodiversity).
- Discuss ways of managing challenging swimmers and carers, and issues with helpers/volunteers.
- Have the opportunity to share good and bad experiences for peer group learning.
Details of any Advanced (Teaching & Applying Halliwick Skills) Courses being held can be found on the ‘Courses & Training’ tab on this website.